Jumat, 23 Mei 2008


Erythromycin induced hemolytic anemia.
A 3-year-old female receiving Pediazole (erythromycin ethylsuccinate and sulfisoxazole) for tonsillitis and otitis media developed severe hemolytic anemia. No serum drug-dependent antibodies could be demonstrated with an in vitro 'immune-complex' method using Pediazole, pure erythromycin ethylsuccinate or pure sulfisoxazole. However, a method using red cells coated with erythromycin base showed in vitro lysis of the erythromycin-coated red cells. This is only the second case of immune hemolytic anemia associated with erythromycin and the first where in vitro drug-dependent hemolysis was demonstrable. (Leonardo O.A.Stg-FK.UNRI)

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Anonim mengatakan...

Woi calon sejawat,bgaimana hubunganny dengan therapy erythromycin pada leukemia....